Comment on Capricorn Child Characteristics, Personality & Characteristics.

The theory is that all of us are children of the stars. The stars created the atoms that make up our bodies.

Although it may not be true, the Capricorn is so grounded and in tune with nature that they may be true children from Mother Gaia.

As Gaia holds us in her womb, looking at us with a knowing smile, and patiently waiting for us to find our own paths of wisdom, so too does the Capricorn child.

Capricorn Child Table Of Contents

  • Traits, Personality, Characteristics
  • Capricorn Girl
  • Capricorn Boy
  • Metaphysical Associations Facts
  • Return to All Kids Astrology Zodiac Signs
  • Return to all Zodiac Signs

Capricorn Child Traits, Personality, Characteristics

Capricorns, even as children, are the unflappable and immovable foundation of the family unit.

Capricorns are born with a mind that is much older than their bodies.

Light workers tell us that many are old souls that expect a great deal from this incarnation.

This means that your Capricorn child will always strive to do his or her best, and will chastise themselves heartily for any perceived shortcoming.

A Goat’s desire for perfection is deep-rooted in their spirit. They are born to climb the highest mountain or they will die trying.

Don’t berate them when failure rears its ugly head (they beat themselves up enough). Instead, remind them that they will eventually achieve the success that they desire with practice and effort.

Also don’t worry when your little Capricorn makes solo efforts. They want to at least try to resolve things alone. They will seek advice when they are stuck and not be prodded.

Capricorn children love consistency. They don’t like changing schools or moving, but they adore tradition. They find consistency in their schedules a comfort. It doesn’t matter if you have a schedule or follow it.

They will likely remind you of it!

In the down time, your little Goat can be content to play outside and enjoy the trees. It is even more enjoyable when it’s with friends.

The Capricorn loves nature. The Capricorn finds inspiration and fulfillment outside, but he or she can also retreat to it when he or her needs change.

You won’t be surprised if your Capricorn child is attracted to sports. They are ambitious and love to move. We wouldn’t be surprised if they ran to school instead.

They’re happy to spend their time with their parents, even if they aren’t involved in any sort of pastime. Watch their smiles light up when they hear “take your children to work”! They may be attracted by music that has a strong beat.

As your child develops you’ll begin noticing a tendency toward a very strong work ethic. This is perfectly normal for your Capricorn, but sometimes they need to be reminded to play.

Their diligence is a drain on them, and before they know what it is hours have passed. You get a determined, productive child when you combine that with Capricorn’s ambitious streak.

Your little goat’s Earth element governs them. This allows them to approach life as a business. They are more logical than emotional and can often be a source of incredible wisdom for those who have the ability to listen. You have a charming child in your hands if you combine this with a sharp wit and imaginative imagination.

The Capricorn Girl

Capricorn girls are aware that their daughter is not a “kid” as soon as they start to develop personalities.

Capricorns are born talking and acting like adults.

Capricorns are known for being stubborn and determined, just like most adults. When challenged she puts her head down like a goat ready to charge with horns blazing.

Capricorn girls define the notion of changeability. Most time she will be happy and carefree, but there is another side to this picture. Capricorn can be very melancholy.

Be there to offer her love and support during difficult times. There are many positive traits that your Capricorn daughter has, so this little bump isn’t necessary.

She isn’t prone to being peevish or excessively busy and will not fight for your wardrobe, toys, or dinner.

Capricorn girls love to organize. Let her at the plastic ware or the lazy Susan!

It’s these tasks that feed Capricorn’s natural desire to have complete control of her environment. She likes to have a routine, especially in morning. When disrupted the lack of continuity puts the sure-footed goat off balance.

Because of her maturity, your daughter naturally attracts older children and adults to become friends. This is due to her ability communicate with others on the same level. These relationships are often very successful. Capricorns are loyal to their friends and will often keep in touch for many years after they have made the choice.

Play time is a time when your daughter feels fulfilled. Play tag is not something she would prefer to do, so she’d rather spend time in the garden. In fact, the garden is an excellent spot in which to set up a special spot for her with a chair, a weather proof cubby for favorite books etc. This space will be used by her for everything, from studying to contemplating the mysteries of life.

Your Capricorn girl will do well at school, but she may miss deadlines. She is highly organized and has her own approach to timing and approaches. She’s meticulous, so things take longer than they otherwise might. She takes her responsibilities seriously, and she doesn’t need to be nagged to finish tasks.

You’ll see a girl who appreciates good manners by the time she is an adolescent. She’s dependable and trustworthy without being arrogant about it.

She might take some time to make friends in new relationships, which is a sign that she’s not a natural wallflower. But once she is comfortable, her intelligence shines brightly.

The Capricorn Boy

The male Capricorn child craves security. He is grateful for parents who respect authority and don’t “dumbdown” their conversations. Boys, like the Capricorn girl are born old.

They never really seem like a little kid. Capricorn boys think about their personal goals and how they can make them come true, rather than just wool gathering.

As The Goat sign depicts, your little boy is ambitious and will not neglect the family. He seems sure footed in everything he tries. No matter where he starts on his mountain trek, he always makes it to the top faster than his peers. Your son is able to keep his feet on the ground, even though he doesn’t have a shoelace.

Capricorns can feel disregarded or ridiculed. He will feel slighted and sometimes even ridiculed, which can lead to him losing his concentration for weeks. It can be very helpful to have the parental support during difficult times.

Your Capricorn son is Mr. Manners. He enjoys the finer things in life and already understands that etiquette and a tidy appearance is one way to manifest those things. Even all dressed up, though; there remains an air of uncertainty about her attractiveness.

Remind him that he is very handsome and that his rock-solid confidence returns to normal.

Capricorn boys tend to be tidy.

Unlike many boys who don’t even notice the socks they’re wearing are different colors, this sun sign’s room is always looks neat and organized.

Capricorns believe that there is a “place for everything.”

Do not go shuffling your son’s things around even if you don’t quite understand the order he’s created. It’s a comfort zone for the Earthy Capricorn and taking care of it is a source of pride.

Capricorn Facts Metaphysical Associations

Capricorn Calendar Dates: December21-January 19

Capricorn symbol: The Sea-Goat

Key Phrase I Use

Capricorn Planet: Saturn

Capricorn Birthstone: Blue Topaz (December); Garnet (January)

Number Vibration Numerology 8

Capricorn Element: Earth

Capricorn Flower : Carnation

Capricorn color: Dark Green Dark Blue

Capricorn Day: Saturday

Chakra – Root or Basis (Muladhara). Chinese Zodiac Twin : Ox

Chinese Zodiac Twin in Funny Chinese: Ox

Tarot Card Association: The Devil (Capricorn), The World (Saturn)

Healing Crystals Agate. Amethyst. Cat’s eye. Garnet. Ruby. Turquoise.

Celebrity Capricorns Janis, Richard Nixon. Michelle Obama. Champ Mohammad Ali. Kate Middleton. Denzel.