From the time before time, human and serpent spirits have writhed together in this world. They dance together in dreams and the symbolism can either be sexual or psychic. It can even strike fear into the hearts of the most determined souls.
Dreams about snakes are one of the most common dreams. The mental and emotional effects can live in a person’s consciousness for many years. The intricately intertwined relationship of the human mind to snakes has been a topic of endless discussion, dissection, and debate in dream interpretation and analysis circles.
Before we get into the meanings of dreams about snakes it is important to note that according to Gallup’s Fears Poll 56% Americans have a fear of snakes. It makes sense that snake visions are associated with anxiety, terror, stress.
True, this does not bode well for most dreams about snakes. Snake dreams may not only contain the negative symbolism of a sinister, slithering reptile but also the idea of it being dangerous and dangerous. Although it may seem impossible, we know.
What Does It Mean When You Dream About Snakes
So, why does dreaming of snakes evoke such overt reactions from the dreamer?
Snake energy is primordial and its impact on the human psyche, as we have already stated. From the snake gods who protect mankind’s property to the cosmic serpents seen in stars, snakes take up much of the human headspace.
To bring up the historical ties of reptiles to humans, it is important to remind people that when they dream of snakes, they are dreaming from their most ancient collective memories.
Through our cellular memory, when we dream about snakes, our subconscious summons up centuries of snake imagery. This is powerful stuff! It’s no wonder snake dreams freak us out!
Bottom line? The bottom line? Dreaming about snakes speaks to our core. Thus, snake dreams usually occur only when we have something quite serious pressing on our mind, body, and spirit.
Not all snake dreams are bad. Read on to learn how dreams about snakes could be wonderful omens. Really.
Snake Dream Interpretation Meaning By Dream Symbol
Before using the Dream Dictionary or the snake dream meanings in this article, take a few minutes and read Learn to Interpret The Meaning of Dreams . It will help you to be better able to analyze your dreams.
The most important thing to understand when you dream about a snake is to think about how you felt upon waking up from your dream. You were you afraid, excited, amused or angry, or sexually aroused. Do you feel that your dream is a psychic vision?
The way you see snake imagery can influence what it means to you as a dream interpretation. Is it a fear or love for snakes? Are you neutral about snakes?
For example, if snakes are something that you fear, you can acknowledge it and ask yourself what else you fear in your day. Is there something you would rather not do that requires your immediate attention right now?
You might also be interested in snakes . Is there something that you enjoy doing during your waking hours? Do you have something that you are able to “wrap yourself around”?
You can further analyze the actions that the snake is taking when it appears in your dream story. It is possible to translate the meaning of the snake’s actions, movements, and interactions with the landscape.
Think about all the possible dream scenarios, and how they differ from each other:
Dreams of Snakes in the Sea
Water is the symbol of primordial waters of chaos. The serpent in water could also signify the creation of the universe. Sometimes, the serpent emerges from the cosmic egg. The serpent is often depicted as emerging from the cosmic egg. Water represents emotions. A snake, symbolizing wisdom, may be used to suggest the wise management of emotions or wisdom gained from emotional experiences. Water is also associated with the subconscious mind. In this context, a snake in water may signify that one dives into the subconscious for some time in order to find self-exploration. Only to return to it later to be more wise and changed.
Dreams about Snakes in the Grass
The snake is natural habitat in grass and will slither about in it, but there is a sinister connotation for the snake moving around on the earth. This is likely due to the fact that some poisonous snakes like the cottonmouth can be aggressive. The symbol may be associated with something sinister, untrustworthy or potentially dangerous. Also, it could indicate hidden attacks or threats “below your belt.” Snake lovers might only notice the snake in the grass, but then appreciate its smooth, flawless movements, extraordinary self-control and strength. So, the dream of the snake eating grass might be a sign that one is looking for certain traits in order to live a life full of snake love or to emulate a snake’s flawless motion and self control in any given situation.
Dreams About Snakes & Sexual Symbols
Sigmund Freud believed that snake dream imagery was a sign of sexual repression due to its phallic-like qualities. He also believed that the repression was caused by discomfort with male genitalia. However, in some cultures the snake can be a sign for fertility. Hopi Indians held a dance each year to celebrate the union of Snake Girl with the Snake Youth. These were believed to revive nature’s fertility.
Your Bed: Snakes as a Dream
The initial dream scenario shows that there is nothing that can make you feel more vulnerable than waking up to a snake wrapped around your body, sucking up your heat. To dream about snakes on the bed is to acknowledge your vulnerability, to fear being bitten, to realize that you need to act fast, pull back and get away from the snake’s area. This means that there is probably something the dreamer is doing, or will be doing, that incites fear, vulnerability, and the need to quickly act on the situation. Because of the way they look, snakes are also associated with phallic signs. Snakes can be seen in bed and your emotions about them could reflect how you feel about sex, intimacy, or the intrusion of another person into your personal space. Moreover, the snake in the bed might show some hostile feelings towards a romantic partner.
Dreams About a Snake Pit
Dreams of falling into a large pit of snakes could be an expression of feeling out of balance, unstable on your feet, or unprotected in your daily life. This type of snake dream is common for those trying to climb the corporate ladder as well as anyone who is or wants to be in a position of leadership.
Dreams of being chased by Snakes
This is a fascinating dream as it combines chase symbolism with that of the serpent. Chase dreams are not at all uncommon, and often times the person/being/monster/creature chasing you is a symbol of one or more people you are currently dealing with in your waking hours. When you use the term “snake” to describe the characteristics of someone, it can be interpreted as someone who is sneaky, devious, and even someone you might consider evil. This dream might be asking you to reevaluate who you trust and look closely at what you’re dealing with. You may also feel like you are running from an unhealthy situation or condition. This dream can be a sign you have to face the reality head on. It can also make it feel very unsafe and vulnerable to be chased. This could indicate that you have anxiety, stress, vulnerability, nervousness, or nerves.
Dreams about Snake Bites
The dream of being bitten or bitten by a snake can have many meanings. This imagery is common in dreams. First, the most obvious sign is potential danger most likely from something that is toxic in your waking life. Another clear meaning is that since the serpent in the Book of Genesis is associated with the idea of temptation, the snakebite might be a sign of some temptation you can’t seem to avoid or escape. When a snake bites you it is undoubtedly alarming and it is a moment when the snake has your full attention; thus, this dream may signify that you need to heighten your awareness and pay attention to things you’ve otherwise been neglecting in your life, otherwise you risk being “unexpectedly” bitten by a troublesome condition.
Imagine being bitten by a poisonous snake.
There’s little doubt of the destructive power of the toxins that enter the body. These may indicate that you are in a dangerous situation. You might feel paralyzed, frozen or unable to make the necessary changes to get out of your self-imposed limitations. Finally, when a snake bites you, the toxins enter the body and produce tremendous changes. The snakebite symbolises dramatic change, initiation or transformation. Pay attention to the exact location of any bites from a snake in dreams. Because the snake is also a symbol to heal, it may signal that you should pay extra attention to a particular area of your body.
Dreams About Fire and Snakes
The venom from a snake connects the reptile with the element of fire. It represents everything that the element stands for, including passion, creativity.
Dreams About Snakes Wild and Tame
Dreaming of encountering snakes outdoors suggests danger and unpredictable behavior. In the Garden of Eden Eve meets a talking snake. The wild serpent also indicates temptation. Dreaming about a pet snake can be a sign that you will have more wisdom or spiritual awakening.
Dreams About Snakes or The Shadow Self
The Element Encyclopedia of 20,000 Dreams by, author Theresa Cheung, describes how the serpent serves as a symbol of our The Shadow’. Jungian psychology, where Carl Gustav Jung proposed that there might be a shadow side to every person. It is the part of us that we reject or refuse acknowledge. Jung asserts that, although not entirely negative, the shadow is more densely coloured and darker the more one avoids it. If the snake appears in your dreams, it could be The Shadow of you seeking recognition. Maybe it’s time to embrace your shadow nature. It is said to be a source of creativity and personal development.
Snake Dream Interpretation in Religion and Mythology
If you look at snakes through the lense of religion or a particular mythos there are many symbolisms that can be discovered, especially when it comes to goddess lore. In many religions, snakes play a significant role. This will help you understand your dreams better by examining the cultural and historical references.
The Babylonian/Mesopotamians and Semite civilizations all refer to the snake as a living creature capable of living for ever. This notion is based on transmutation and the shedding of snakeskin. Snakes always look young and fresh after each shed. Thus, the snake naturally comes to signify reincarnation, renewal, and rebirth. The ocean goddess Tiamat of Mesopotamia has been associated with chaos. Images portray her as a snake, thus connecting the serpent to chaos, primordial waters, and creation.
The idea that snakes can be used as a symbol for healing dates back to centuries ago, when the Sumerians worshipped Ningishzida (a god of the sub-world). Underworld connotations were all too easy to assign to serpents that crawl on their belly on the earth. Ningishzida has a symbol that consists of two intertwined dragons. This is an image which connotes the harmonization between two opposing forces or energies. This mythology is the source of today’s medical symbols.
There are many symbols associated with goddesses, including the cobra symbol. Hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt also featured images of the snake. Upper Egypt’s patron Goddess is Wadjet . This cobra-headed female is Wadjet. It is here the serpent is recognized as a symbol of immortality and, with the cobra, in particular, featuring a spot on its back that looks like an eye, became the symbol for inner wisdom and vision.
In ancient Rome, the genius loci, which happened to be special guardian spirits that guarded a select location, were depicted as serpents: So it is here the snake takes on the role of an otherworldly protector.
In central Italy, there is Angitia, the Marisian healing goddess whose name originates from the word “serpent.” She is associated with the snake charmer, snakes, and witches.
Greek mythos is full of snake images.
In Greek mythology snake imagery is associated also with the monstrous. But the gorgon Medusa, who despite the horrendous depiction, actually represents feminine wisdom.
The Virgin Mary This representation shows the Virgin Mary with her right foot on the head and demonstrating her purity. Mary places her foot on top of the snake’s head to inflict a death blow to the reptile. In this case, if the Virgin Mary is seen with her foot on the head of the snake in a dream, it may signify that she resists temptation or that you should be trying to do so in real life.
Dreams About Snakes-A Shamanic Perspective
Snake, as a totem, brings fire medicine and teaches how to purify and transform one’s life. The snake is a symbol for the cord that connects the soul and the body, keeping it tethered. Shamans consider the snake to be a symbol of this cord. It is a signal to pay close attention to the teachings given by the snake in your waking lives when you dream about it. At my sister site,, learn all about snake as a spirit, totem, and power animal .
Rainbow Serpent
This serpent is an Aboriginal Australian creator deity. The serpent is said live below the earth, and he rises to make the mountainous terrain. If you have dreams of a brightly colored serpent, it could be a sign that you need to reconnect to the earth. This serpent is also a healer. He can be passed on through ritual to another person. If this is the case, then you should stop and think about whether your subconscious is hinting that you may need personal healing or helping others heal.
Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini literally means “coiled” and refers here to the shakti, or energy, that rises from where the root chakra is located. This is what triggers the opening of energetic wheels. The wheels run from your root chakra to where you are at your head. This is the “sleeping snake” energy that can be awakened to lead to spiritual awakening. You may see a sleeping, coiled dragon in your dreams. This could indicate that you are referring to this energy.
Imagine a snake as a trickster
The snake is a symbol of trickster energies. It is associated with someone being sly, cunning, and mischievous. It could also be used as a symbol to denote any trickster-like deity, such as the devil in Christian-mythos, or another deity from an alternate mythology. If you feel the snake in your dreams is a trickster, this could mean that you are in a situation in which someone is creating chaos and/or behaving erratically. Often times in many myths, the trickster’s actions end up being a catalyst for a greater good. When a snake appears in your life, ask yourself who is the trickster. What are their motives for acting this way?
Dreams about Snake Handling
Snake Handling, a religious practice, is one in which the practitioner believes God will protect them from any snake bites. The handlers also believe that if they are bitten or if they drink of the snake venom, that God will ensure no harm comes to them. You may dream about snake handlers. Your subconscious could be foretelling a test on your faith in the waking hours.
The Ouroboros symbol depicts a sea serpent eating its tail. In doing so, it is believed to cover all the oceans of the globe. This symbol is a representation of the World Snake, a sign of life, death and rebirth. If you see this snake symbol in your dreams, look to see what you are shedding away from in your waking hours and what is being reborn or renewed.
Snakes in Astrology, Zodiac Signs, Birth Totems
Sometimes our dreams of snakes can be a dream about a specific person, if snakes are their birth sign or zodiac. The Scorpio star sign in Western Astrology is represented by a scorpion and snake. To learn more about snakes, astrology has two versions: the year of the Snake (Chinese Zodiac Snake) and the Snake Native American Birth Totem.
Snake Dreams SymbolicKey
Snakes, through the lens of mythology and religion, have come to symbolize so many things over the course of time. The main meanings of the snake symbolism are:
- Immortality
- Death, life, and rebirth
- Healing and Medicine
- Goddess energies/The Holy Feminine
- Immortality
- Wisdom
- Strength
- Inner Vision
- Creation/Birth in the Cosmos
- Reincarnation/rebirth
- Chaos
- Primordial water
- The Monstrous
- Feminine Wisdom
- Snake as Trickster
- Faith testing
- Renewal and Transmutation
- Protection
Dreaming of Snakes
Yes, it is possible to have nightmares about snakes. But they can also be profoundly meaningful and spiritual . No matter how scared and frightened your dream about snakes makes you, it’s worth taking the time to reflect on what’s going in your heart. Do you have a psychic message ? If so, don’t miss it. It may be from your own spirit guides and ancestors or angels.