There is the theory that we are all children of the stars. That the atoms in our bodies were created from stars of old.
Although it may not be true, the Capricorn is so grounded and in tune with nature that they may be true children from Mother Gaia.
As Gaia holds us in her womb, looking at us with a knowing smile, and patiently waiting for us to find our own paths of wisdom, so too does the Capricorn child.
Capricorn Child Table Of Contents
- Traits, Personality, Characteristics
- Capricorn Girl
- Capricorn Boy
- Metaphysical Associations Facts
- Return to all Kids Astrology Zodiac Signs
- Return all Zodiac Signs
Capricorn Child Traits, Personality, Characteristics
Capricorns, even as children, are the unflappable and immovable foundation of the family unit.
Capricorns come into this world with a mind much older than their body.
Light workers tell us that many are old souls that expect a great deal from this incarnation.
This means that your Capricorn child will always strive to do his or her best, and will chastise themselves heartily for any perceived shortcoming.
A Goat’s desire for perfection is deep-rooted in their spirit. They know they were born to reach the mountaintop or die trying.
Do not berate them if they fail. They are already tired of beating themselves up. Instead, remind them that they will eventually achieve the success they desire through hard work and practice.
Also don’t worry when your little Capricorn makes solo efforts. They’re willing to work together to find solutions. They won’t be pushed if they get stuck.
Capricorn children love stability. They don’t like to change schools or move, but they are fond of tradition. For them, having a consistent schedule is a source of comfort. You don’t have to worry about creating a schedule and sticking with it.
They will likely remind you of it!
Your little Goat will love to spend time outdoors with the trees during down time. It is even more enjoyable when it is with friends.
The Capricorn is a lover of nature. Nature is the Capricorn’s playground.
Capricorns are naturally attracted to athletics. They’re driven and enjoy moving. We’d rather run to school than take the bus, it wouldn’t surprise them.
If they are not engaged in a hobby, they will happily be with their parents. Their eyes will lighten up when you tell them to “take your children to work”. They might be attracted to music with strong beats.
As your child develops you’ll begin noticing a tendency toward a very strong work ethic. Your Capricorn will be fine with this, but they may need reminders to play.
Their diligence takes over and before they know, hours pass. You get a determined, productive child when you combine that with Capricorns’ ambition.
Your little goat’s Earth element governs them. This allows them to approach life as a business deal. They are more logical than emotional and can often be a source of incredible wisdom for those who have the ability to listen. Blend this together with a keen wit and imagination, and you truly have a delightful child on your hands!
The Capricorn Girl
Capricorn girls are aware that their daughter is not a “kid” as soon as they start to develop personalities.
Capricorns are born speaking and acting like adults.
As with many adults, this could also mean that your Capricorn girl might be stubborn and set in her ways as a toddler. When challenged she will look like a goat, ready to take on the world with her horns blazing.
Capricorn girls represent the ideal of changeability. Although she is happy and carefree, there is another side. Capricorn’s melancholy side is very sad.
Be ready to give her extra love and attention during these down moments. You will find so many positive traits in your Capricorn girl that this little hitch won’t matter.
She’s not prone to peevishness or high maintenance, and won’t fight you over your choice of wardrobe, play things or even dinner.
Capricorn girl is a great organizer. Let her at the plastic ware or the lazy Susan!
Tasks like this feed the natural Capricorn desire to have her environment under complete control. She likes to have a routine, especially in morning. The goat can become disoriented if her routine is disrupted.
Because of her maturity, your daughter naturally attracts older children and adults to become friends. Because she can communicate on the same level with them, these pairings are very successful. Capricorns tend to keep in touch with their friends for many years, even after choosing a friend.
Your daughter will prefer to do something that has a purpose at play time. She’d rather be in the garden than playing tag. In fact, the garden is an excellent spot in which to set up a special spot for her with a chair, a weather proof cubby for favorite books etc. That space can be used for studying, reading, and contemplating life’s mysteries.
At school your Capricorn girl should do well, but may sometimes miss deadlines. Because she is very particular about her approach and timing, it can be frustrating. Things take her longer because she’s so meticulous. This child is a serious child and does not need constant nagging to accomplish her tasks.
She will be an adolescent before you know it. She is reliable and trustworthy without being too proud.
It may take her time to get comfortable in new relationships.
The Capricorn Boy
Capricorn children are anxious for security. He appreciate parents who show respectful authority and who don’t “dumb down” their conversations. Like the Capricorn girl boy, boys are also born old.
They never feel like a little child. Capricorn boys think about their personal goals and how they can make them come true, rather than just wool gathering.
As The Goat sign depicts, your little boy is ambitious and will not neglect the family. He is confident in all he does. No matter where he starts his trek on the mountain, he reaches pinnacles faster than his peers. All the while your son says composed without a shoelace out of place as if he’s done this walk 100 times before.
Capricorns are most affected by being misrepresented and ridiculed. It can cause him to lose his balance, sometimes for several weeks. These times are best when the parents show appreciation.
Your Capricorn son is Mr. Manners. He is a lover of the finer things in his life and knows that good manners and tidy appearances are one way to show them. She is still attractive, even when she’s dressed up.
Remind him that he’s quite dapper and the wavering confidence goes back to rock-solid.
One surprising thing about Capricorn boys is they’re tidy!
This sun sign, unlike many boys, doesn’t notice socks that are different colors. Their room always looks clean and tidy.
The Capricorn mantra is “a place for everything”.
You shouldn’t be rushing to move your son’s stuff around, even if it’s not clear what order he has set. It’s a comfortable zone for Earthy Capricorns, and taking care is a source pride.
Capricorn Metaphysical Associations
Capricorn Calendar Dates: December21-January 19
Capricorn: Sea-Goat
Key Phrase “I Use”
Capricorn Planet: Saturn
Capricorn Birthstone: Blue Topaz (December); Garnet (January)
Numerical Vibration Numerology. 8
Capricorn Element: Earth
Capricorn Flowers: Capricorn Carnation
Capricorn Color : Dark Green Dark Blue
Capricorn Day: Saturday
Chakra – Root or Basis (Muladhara). Chinese Zodiac Twin : Ox
Chinese Zodiac Twins Funny: ox
Tarot Card Association The Devil / Capricorn, The World / Saturn
Healing Stones: Agate. Turquoise, Garnet. Ruby. Garnet.
Celebrity Capricorns – Janis Jonplin, Richard Nixon and Michelle Obama, Champ Mohammed Ali, Kate Middleton and Denzel Washington