10 iPhone Photography Tips to Improve Your Skills

Are you looking to enhance the quality of your iPhone photography? Look no further! In this article, we have compiled a list of 10 handy tips that will transform your mobile photography skills. From mastering composition techniques to utilizing the built-in editing tools, these tips will help you capture stunning photos with just your iPhone. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned photographer, these expert-recommended tips are sure to take your iPhone photography to the next level. So grab your iPhone and get ready to explore the world of mobile photography like never before!

10 iPhone Photography Tips to Improve Your Skills


Rule of Thirds

When taking photos with your iPhone, one of the fundamental rules of composition to keep in mind is the rule of thirds. This rule suggests that you divide your frame into a grid of nine equal squares by overlaying two horizontal lines and two vertical lines. The points where these lines intersect are called the “power points.” By placing your subject or focal point along these lines or at one of the power points, you can create a more visually appealing and balanced composition.

Leading Lines

Another composition technique that can enhance the visual interest of your iPhone photos is using leading lines. Leading lines are elements in a photo that direct the viewer’s attention towards the main subject. They can be actual lines in the scene, such as a road or a pathway, or even implied lines created by a row of trees or a series of objects. By incorporating leading lines into your composition, you can create depth, guide the viewer’s eye, and add a sense of movement to your photos.


Symmetry can be a powerful compositional tool in photography. It involves creating a balanced and harmonious composition by aligning the elements within your frame in a way that mirrors or reflects each other. Look out for symmetrical scenes or use reflections in water or other surfaces to add a sense of symmetry to your iPhone photos. Symmetry can create a sense of calmness and harmony, making your photos visually appealing.

Foreground and Background

To add depth and interest to your iPhone photos, consider incorporating the concept of foreground and background elements. By including a prominent subject in the foreground, you can create a sense of depth and lead the viewer’s eye into the frame. The background provides context and complements the main subject. Experiment with different distances and angles to find the right balance between the foreground and background elements in your composition.


Natural Light

Natural light can greatly enhance the quality of your iPhone photos. The soft and diffused light from the sun during the day can create a pleasing and natural look. When shooting outdoors, try to capture your subjects in open shade or during the golden hour for beautiful, warm lighting. Avoid harsh midday light, as it can create unflattering shadows and highlights.

Golden Hour

The golden hour refers to the period shortly after sunrise or before sunset when the light has a warm, golden tone. During this time, the sun is low in the sky, creating soft and flattering light with long shadows. Take advantage of the golden hour to capture stunning landscapes, portraits, or any other subject you want to photograph. The warm tones and beautiful lighting during this time can add a magical touch to your iPhone photos.

Avoid Harsh Shadows

When taking photos in harsh lighting conditions, such as bright sunlight, it’s important to avoid harsh shadows that can obscure details and create unflattering effects. One way to minimize shadows is by diffusing the light. You can use your hand, a piece of paper, or even a hat to create a softer light on your subject. Additionally, consider using the HDR mode on your iPhone to capture a greater dynamic range and reduce the contrast between shadows and highlights.

Use Reflectors or Diffusers

If you want more control over the lighting in your iPhone photos, consider using reflectors or diffusers. Reflectors can be used to bounce light back onto your subject, filling in shadows and creating more even lighting. Diffusers, on the other hand, can be placed between the light source and your subject to soften and diffuse the light, creating a more pleasing and balanced exposure. These accessories can be easily found or even improvised with household items.

Focus and Depth of Field

Tap to Focus

Your iPhone camera allows you to tap on the screen to set the focus on a specific area or object. This feature is incredibly useful for achieving sharp and clear photos. When composing your shot, tap on the area you want to be in focus, and your iPhone will adjust the focus and exposure accordingly. This way, you have control over what you want to highlight in your photo.

Depth Effect Portrait Mode

If you want to create stunning portrait photos with a professional look, make sure to utilize the depth effect portrait mode. This mode uses the dual-camera system on certain iPhone models to capture the subject in sharp focus while blurring the background, creating a beautiful depth of field effect. Experiment with different settings and distances to achieve the desired level of background blur and make your subject stand out.

Using Manual Focus

In addition to tap to focus, you can also use manual focus on your iPhone. By tapping on the subject and then sliding your finger up or down on the screen, you can manually adjust the focus point. This can be particularly useful when you want to focus on a specific area that might not be recognized by the automatic focus system. Manual focus gives you full control over the focal point, allowing you to achieve precise and intentional focusing in your photos.

Creating Depth with Background Blur

To add depth and dimension to your iPhone photos, experiment with creating background blur or bokeh. This can be achieved by placing your subject closer to the camera and having a significant distance between the subject and the background. The closer the subject is to the camera, the stronger the background blur will be. This technique can separate your subject from the background, making it stand out and creating a pleasing visual effect.


Adjusting Exposure

Proper exposure is crucial for capturing well-balanced and properly lit photos. On your iPhone, you can easily adjust the exposure by tapping on the screen and then sliding your finger up or down to increase or decrease the brightness. This feature is particularly helpful when you encounter challenging lighting conditions or when you want to achieve a specific mood or tone in your photos. Experiment with different exposure settings to find the optimal balance for your desired result.

Using HDR Mode

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, and it’s a mode on your iPhone camera that combines multiple exposures to capture a wider range of tones. This mode is especially useful in high-contrast scenes where there are both bright highlights and deep shadows. When enabled, your iPhone will capture multiple photos at different exposures and blend them together to create a well-exposed image with balanced highlights and shadows. HDR mode can help you capture more detail and retain more information in challenging lighting situations.

Avoiding Overexposure

Overexposure occurs when the highlights in your photo are excessively bright and lack detail. To avoid overexposed photos, pay attention to the exposure meter on your iPhone camera. It’s generally better to slightly underexpose your photo rather than overexpose it. You can always brighten up the shadows in post-processing, but it’s harder to recover lost highlight details. By adjusting the exposure and using HDR mode when necessary, you can ensure that your photos are well-exposed and retain adequate detail in the brightest areas.

Handling Low-light Situations

Shooting in low-light conditions can be challenging, but with the right techniques, you can still capture great iPhone photos. To handle low-light situations, try to stabilize your iPhone by using a tripod, resting it on a steady surface, or even using your headphones as a remote shutter. Additionally, avoid using your iPhone’s flash, as it can often produce harsh and unnatural lighting. Instead, increase the ISO or use Night Mode on newer iPhone models to capture more light and reduce noise in low-light environments.

10 iPhone Photography Tips to Improve Your Skills

Using Gridlines and Guidelines

Enable Gridlines

Gridlines are a helpful tool for composing your iPhone photos and achieving balanced and well-aligned compositions. To enable gridlines on your iPhone, go to the Settings app, select “Camera,” and toggle on “Grid.” Once enabled, you will have a grid of two horizontal and two vertical lines that divide your frame into nine equal squares, following the rule of thirds. These gridlines can serve as visual guides to help you align your subjects and create more engaging compositions.

Using Gridlines for Composition

Once you have enabled gridlines on your iPhone, you can use them effectively for composition. By placing your subjects or points of interest along the gridlines or at the intersection points, you can create a more visually balanced and appealing composition. The gridlines act as a reference to help you position the elements within your frame and ensure that they are properly aligned and distributed throughout the photo.

Aligning Horizons with Guidelines

One practical application of gridlines is aligning horizons in landscape photography. When capturing landscapes, it’s important to keep the horizon straight to maintain a sense of balance and avoid any unintentional tilting. By utilizing the horizontal gridlines, you can align the horizon with one of the lines to ensure a level composition. This small adjustment can significantly improve the overall quality of your landscape photos.

Cropping and Straightening

Gridlines also come in handy when it comes to cropping and straightening your iPhone photos after capturing them. By utilizing the gridlines as references, you can ensure that your photos are leveled and aligned properly. Additionally, the gridlines can help you determine the ideal cropping ratios, such as the rule of thirds, to enhance the composition and remove any distracting elements. Take advantage of the gridlines feature to make precise adjustments and refine your photos during the editing process.

Utilizing Burst Mode

Capturing Action Shots

Burst mode is a fantastic feature on your iPhone that allows you to capture a series of photos in quick succession. This feature is particularly useful when photographing fast-moving subjects, such as athletes, animals, or even children. To activate burst mode, simply hold down the shutter button or one of the volume buttons, and your iPhone will capture multiple photos rapidly. This way, you can increase your chances of getting the perfect shot, freezing the action, and capturing all the crucial moments.

Selecting the Best Shot

After using burst mode to capture a series of photos, your iPhone makes it easy to select the best shot. Simply open the Photos app, locate the burst sequence, and tap on “Select.” From the burst sequence, you can scroll through the photos and pick the image that best captures the moment or displays the desired expression or action. This feature ensures that you never miss a shot and have the flexibility to choose the most memorable and visually appealing photo.

Creating Motion Blur

Burst mode can also be used creatively to capture motion blur in your photos. By deliberately moving your iPhone while holding down the shutter button, you can create dynamic and visually interesting images where the subject is frozen in motion against a blurred background. This technique works well in various scenarios, such as capturing moving vehicles, dancers, or even everyday scenes. Experiment with different movements and shutter speeds to achieve different levels of motion blur and add a sense of energy to your photos.

Adjusting White Balance

Using Auto White Balance

White balance refers to the color temperature of your photos. It determines how warm or cool the colors appear in your images. Your iPhone camera has an automatic white balance setting that tries to accurately capture the color temperature in any given scene. This setting is usually sufficient for most situations. However, if you want more control over the white balance, you can experiment with manual adjustments or the various presets available in third-party camera apps.

Customizing White Balance

For situations where the automatic white balance doesn’t accurately represent the scene’s colors, you can manually adjust the white balance on your iPhone. To do this, tap on the screen to set the focus, and then swipe left or right until you see the yellow sun icon for warmer tones or the blue sun icon for cooler tones. By fine-tuning the white balance, you can achieve more accurate and pleasing colors in your photos.

Correcting Color Casts

Color casts occur when there is an unwanted color dominance in your photos. For example, a photo taken indoors under artificial lighting might have a yellowish or orange hue. To correct color casts, you can adjust the white balance or use editing tools and apps to neutralize the unwanted color and restore the natural tones. Correcting color casts can significantly improve the overall quality and realism of your iPhone photos.

Experimenting with Tint

In addition to adjusting the white balance, you can also experiment with the tint settings on your iPhone camera. Tint refers to the color balance between magenta and green. By sliding your finger left or right after setting the white balance, you can fine-tune the tint and achieve the desired color balance in your photos. This additional control over the color temperature and tint allows you to create unique and artistic effects in your iPhone photography.

Mastering Portrait Mode

Positioning the Subject

Portrait mode on your iPhone allows you to capture professional-looking portraits with a shallow depth of field, also known as bokeh. When using portrait mode, it’s essential to ensure that your subject is positioned correctly within the frame. Ideally, the subject should be in sharp focus, with the background pleasantly blurred. Experiment with different angles, perspectives, and distances to achieve the best composition and make your subject stand out.

Using Portrait Lighting Effects

Portrait mode also offers various lighting effects that can enhance the look and feel of your portraits. These effects, including natural light, studio light, contour light, stage light, and stage light mono, allow you to mimic different studio lighting setups. Each effect creates a unique atmosphere and can dramatically change the mood of your portraits. Experiment with different lighting effects to add depth and dimension to your iPhone portraits.

Avoiding Artificial Looking Bokeh

While portrait mode can produce beautiful bokeh backgrounds, it’s important to be mindful of any potential artifacts or unnatural-looking blurs. Pay attention to the edges of your subject and the transitions between in-focus and out-of-focus areas. Sometimes, portrait mode can struggle with complex subjects or intricate details. In such cases, consider using manual focus or experimenting with different shooting techniques to achieve a more natural and pleasing bokeh effect.

Editing Options in Portrait Mode

After capturing a portrait in portrait mode, you have a range of editing options available to further enhance the image. You can adjust the intensity of the depth effect, change the lighting effects, or even remove the depth effect altogether. Additionally, you can use various editing tools and filters to fine-tune the colors, contrast, and overall look of your portrait. Explore the editing options within portrait mode to add the finishing touches and make your portraits truly spectacular.

Utilizing Third-Party Camera Apps

Exploring Different Apps

While the built-in camera app on your iPhone provides many features and capabilities, exploring different third-party camera apps can take your photography to the next level. These apps offer additional manual controls, advanced editing options, and unique shooting modes not available in the native camera app. Do some research and experiment with different apps to find the ones that align with your photography style and cater to your specific needs.

Manual Controls and RAW

One of the advantages of third-party camera apps is the ability to manually control various settings, such as exposure, ISO, shutter speed, and focus. Manual controls give you greater flexibility and creative freedom to achieve the desired look and feel in your photos. Additionally, some apps support capturing photos in RAW format, which provides more flexibility in post-processing and allows for greater control over the final image quality.

Filters and Editing Tools

Third-party camera apps often come with a plethora of filters and editing tools to enhance your photos directly in the app. These tools allow you to fine-tune the exposure, adjust the colors, apply creative filters, and make other custom adjustments to achieve your desired aesthetic. Explore the filters and editing tools offered by different apps to find the ones that align with your creative vision and enable you to produce stunning iPhone photos.

Alternative Shooting Modes

Apart from providing manual controls and editing options, third-party camera apps often offer alternative shooting modes that can expand your photography repertoire. These modes can include long exposure, time-lapse, slow-motion, or even specific modes for capturing specific types of subjects, such as landscapes or macro photography. Experiment with these alternative shooting modes to add versatility and creativity to your iPhone photography.

Post-processing and Editing

Using Built-in Editing Tools

The built-in editing tools in the Photos app on your iPhone provide a convenient and user-friendly way to edit and enhance your photos. Once you’ve captured your images, you can access these editing tools by selecting a photo and tapping on the “Edit” button. From there, you can adjust various parameters such as exposure, contrast, saturation, and more. Additionally, you can apply filters, crop, straighten, and even remove red-eye. The built-in editing tools are a great option for quick and straightforward edits on your iPhone.

Exploring App Store Editing Apps

If you’re looking for more advanced editing options and tools, there are numerous editing apps available on the App Store that can take your post-processing to the next level. These apps offer a wide range of features, including selective adjustments, advanced filters, curves, layers, and other powerful tools for precise control over your edits. Take some time to explore different editing apps, read reviews, and choose the ones that best fit your editing workflow and desired outcomes.

Adjusting Exposure and Contrast

Exposure and contrast are two essential aspects of photo editing that can significantly impact the overall look and mood of your images. By adjusting the exposure, you can brighten or darken your photos, bringing out more detail in the shadows or highlights. Contrast, on the other hand, determines the difference in brightness between different areas of your photo, enhancing the definition and adding depth. Use the editing tools to fine-tune the exposure and contrast to achieve the desired balance and highlight the key elements in your photos.

Enhancing Colors and Saturation

Colors play a vital role in photography and can greatly impact the mood and visual appeal of your photos. In the editing process, you can enhance the colors and saturation to make them more vibrant, rich, and eye-catching. Be mindful not to overdo it, as excessive saturation can lead to unrealistic and unnatural colors. Instead, aim for subtle enhancements that bring out the true beauty of your subject and create a harmonious color palette.

In conclusion, by applying these iPhone photography tips and techniques, you can improve your mobile photography skills and capture stunning images with your iPhone. From mastering composition to understanding lighting, focus, exposure, and editing, each aspect plays an important role in creating visually appealing photos. With practice, experimentation, and a creative mindset, you can unlock the full potential of your iPhone camera and take your photography to new heights. So get out there, explore the world around you, and have fun capturing incredible moments with your iPhone.